The GateKeepers
Conversations with Jeff
Our Evangelical Leaders have sold out to the Left | Alan Atchison

Our Evangelical Leaders have sold out to the Left | Alan Atchison

Many Evangelical Christians have been wondering why our Evangelical Leaders have recently made a sharp turn to the Left, driving the Church towards progressive politics, ideology and theology. Leaders such as Albert Mohler, John piper, Russell Moore, Beth Moore and the like have led the charge, blending Globalism and Socialism with Biblical Christianity to create a hybrid version of our faith. This is nothing but pure heresy, preaching a false Gospel and using the church to establish the One World Religion and Government of the anti-christ as predicted in Revelation. Alan Atchison joins this episode of Conversations with Jeff to break down this mass compromise among our Evangelical Leaders.

The GateKeepers
Conversations with Jeff
Conversations with Jeff is a show hosted by Jeff Dornik focused simply on having conversations. Featuring a wide variety of guests, some of which include Bishop Larry Gaiters, Trevor Loudon, Dr Michael Brown, Janet Mefferd, Dr Andy Woods and many others, this is a podcast where you never know who will come on or what topics will be discussed! We're bringing back the art of conversation, one show at a time.