The GateKeepers
Conversations with Jeff
Church & State: Sexual Identity | Denise McAllister

Church & State: Sexual Identity | Denise McAllister

Denise McAllister takes a look at how the Left is hijacking the Biblical teaching on Sexual Identity, redefining it from something that God creates you for to be something that you self-identify as. Jeff Dornik and Denise take a deep dive into this vitally important topic, which she wrote about in her chapter in the new book Church & State: How the Left Used the Church to Conquer America.

The GateKeepers
Conversations with Jeff
Conversations with Jeff is a show hosted by Jeff Dornik focused simply on having conversations. Featuring a wide variety of guests, some of which include Bishop Larry Gaiters, Trevor Loudon, Dr Michael Brown, Janet Mefferd, Dr Andy Woods and many others, this is a podcast where you never know who will come on or what topics will be discussed! We're bringing back the art of conversation, one show at a time.