The GateKeepers
Conversations with Jeff
Bishop Robert E Smith: The Church has been caught with its diaper down and milk on its mustache

Bishop Robert E Smith: The Church has been caught with its diaper down and milk on its mustache

Bishop Robert E Smith is leading five weeks of prayer for America... praying that God will work in a great and miraculous way to preserve our great country. With voter fraud being exposed for all to see, we are witnessing our country being hijacked before our eyes! A Joe Biden presidency would be the end of America as we know it. We must continue to fight and pray that God will return blessings to America, preserving the great freedom and liberty that we've obviously taken for granted for far too long.

The GateKeepers
Conversations with Jeff
Conversations with Jeff is a show hosted by Jeff Dornik focused simply on having conversations. Featuring a wide variety of guests, some of which include Bishop Larry Gaiters, Trevor Loudon, Dr Michael Brown, Janet Mefferd, Dr Andy Woods and many others, this is a podcast where you never know who will come on or what topics will be discussed! We're bringing back the art of conversation, one show at a time.